Alcoholic drinks - can cause intoxication and death
Apple cores - Choking hazard
Apricot pits - Choking hazard
Avacado leaves, fruit, bark and seeds - Toxic.
Baby food that contains onion powder - onion pwder is toxic
Bone of Fish and Poultry - can cause choking or laccerations due
to the bones splintering
Broccoli - toxic
Cat food - too high in fats and proteins
Chocolate - toxic
Cigarettes, Tobacco, and Cigars - toxic
Citrus oil extracts - causes vomiting
Coffee and Coffee grounds - toxic
Fat trimmings - can cause pancreatitis
Garlic - toxic
Grapes - toxic
Hops - can cause panting, increased heart rate, seizures, and
Human vitamins that contain Iron - toxic
Macadamia nuts - toxic
Moldy and Spoiled foods - toxic
Mushrooms - are toxic
Onions - are toxic
Pear pips
Persimmons - choking hazard and intestinal blockage
Plum pits
Peach pits
Pork Chop Bones - they will splinter and cause choking
Potato peelings - toxic
Raisins - toxic
Raw eggs - causes salmonella
Raw fish - causes a vitamin B deficiency
Rhubarb leaves - toxic
Salmon - toxic
Salt - can lead to an electrolyte imblance if given in large
Sugar - can lead to obesity
Sugarless candies - toxic
Tomato leaves and stems - toxic
Yeast dough - the gas gets trapped in the digestive system causing
major problems