Face, neck area, a wide belly band, feet, and base of tail are shaved closely. The body hair is left
fluffy and scissored into shape. There are no lines shaved along the spine in this cut. Lenght of body hair depends
upon preference.

Face, neck area, belly band, feet and base of tail are shaved closely. The back of the top knot comes
to a point down on the base of the neck. The neck area isnt shaved down as far as some of the other cuts. There
are no lines shaved along the spine in this cut. The body hair is left fluffy and scissored into shape. Length
of bdy hair depends upon preference.

Face, neck area, feet, bellyband and base of tail are shaved closely. A line is shaved between the
withers following the spine to the belly band. There is no line shaved between the hips along the spine. The rest
of the body hair and top knot are left fluffy. Hair length depends upon preference.

Face, feet, and base of tail are shaved closely. The rest of the body is scissored to follow the flow
of the dog. This cut is not left as long as the show puppy cut. Lenght of body hair depends upon preference.
Top knot is left fluffy but not long enough to pull into a pony tail.

Face, feet and base of tail are shaved closely. Body is left long and shaped to compliment the dogs
form. The pack is shaped into the neck and top knot. The topknot is left long and pulled into a ponytail.
This is an AKC approved show cut for poodles under 1 year and a UKC show cut for poodles of any age.

Face, feet, and base of tail are shaved closely. Body hair is short all over and
just scissored into shape. Top knot and tail are left longer than the body hair. This is a great clip for summer
and is very easy to take care of. Length of body hair depends upon preference and what blde is used. Usually a
5 or 7 blade is used in this cut.