UTIs are very common in dogs. Infact 14 % of the dog population will get them at one time or another.
Female dogs are much more likely to get them than a male dog. It is not a life threatening problem and can be
dealt with easily by the following home remedies. Please consult a vet to be sure that your dog does truly have a UTI
before treatment.
The first step in determining if your dog has a UTI is to check if your dog is drinking more water than
normal. This is because thirst is the body's way of dealing with problems in renal system.
Dehydration is also a very common sign of a UTI.
A UTI will not always show signs or symptoms.
Some dogs may whimper or yelp when urinating due to pain. This usually means that a UTI has progressed
into advanced stages.
UTIs are usually devided into two cateorgies. Either infection of the upper urinary tract or of the
lower urinary tract.
Signs and symptoms of an upper UTI are:
Weight loss
Anorexia (not wanting to eat)
Signs and symptoms of a lower UTI are:
Urination more or less often than normal
Home treatment for UTIs:
Citrus Juices - Orange juice, lime juice and of course cranberry juice are a great way to deal with a UTI
in a dog. They help to raise the acidity of the dog to help fight the bacterial infection.
If your dog can not drink a full glass of juice, then try giving it in small doses or mixing it with your
dogs water.
Apple Cider Vinegar - This is a very popular home remedy for UTIs and possibly the best if you ask me.
This does the same as citrus juices and raises the dogs ph level. Add 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to your
pets food once a day. Or you can add apple cider vinegar to your pets water for 3 straight days.
Frequent bathing - If your dog is suffering from a UTI it is important to give frequent baths .
Bathing on a weekly basis while your dog has a UTI will keep excess bacteria from traveling from urine to the uretha.
Keeping your dog clean and well groomed will help to keep them from getting UTIs.
Give your dog plenty of water - Water helps to cleanse the body and will to flush out the bacteria.
Having a constant supply of fresh clean water will help your dog to keep urinating. This speeds up the process of eliminating
the bacteria from the urine. It is important that your dog be allowed to urinate as frequently as needed during a UTI.
WARNING: Remember that this is NOT a substitue for vetrinary care! As in every case, if there
is a problem with your dog, please consult a vet before starting any treatment course with your dog, to ensure that you have
correctly diagnosed the problem.