I am happy to have you sign my guestbook, but if you are doing it just to be rude, please don't bother. It just wastes my
time and yours. As Thumper says "If you can't say ‘muffin nice, don't say ’nuffin at all!” Thank you.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I NO LONGER BREED POODLES! I do not have any puppies or adults for sale.
All articles on this site unless otherwise states are written by me, Keisha of Arpeggio Poodles.
Articles by other people have been given their due credit. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY ARTICLES AND CLAIM OR PORTRAY THEM
AS YOUR OWN. Rights to post my articles on other sites MUST be expressly given and they MUST be
credited to me along with a link to my site. I am sorry I have to post this but I am finding my articles being stolen
and being placed on other peoples sites.
All photos are sole property of Arpeggio Poodles unless otherwise noted. Reproduction of photos without express written
permission is prohibited!
Site designed and maintained by Keisha of ARPEGGIO Poodles.
All pictures and graphics (unless otherwise stated) are of my
own design. Please do not take them.
Most of the information on my site
is from my own views, opinions, or research that I have done. Where appropriate I have sited my sources and links
to their sites. Do not take my opinions as that of a licensed vet. Any person that relies solely on my
information does so at their own risk.
Thanks for all the support! We have reached so many visits that our counter that only goes
to 1,000,000,000 has started over for the 6th time now. Thanks everyone for making this site such a success!
This site is dedicated to my Mother and Father. Afton Jeannette Huff Davis (10/22/1920 - 2/27-2008) and
Robert Glen Davis Jr (9/16/24 - 2/3/2012). Bless you both. I know you are happy once again being reunited.
Thank you for being my friends, my teachers, my heros and my parents. I miss you both greatly. Your loving daughter.